\ /Knowledge can be purchased in education, in Bible, in skills, through experience - from someone or something else, while the imaginative is created by us. The participating artists are moving forward with imagination beyond conventional frameworks of spontaneity. The works are based on knowledge, skill and mental effort. Sometimes they are carrying us to different periods, in styles, colors, textures and various compositions. Knowledge can be acquired, measured and limited. Imagination is the gateway that opens wide to Infinity. It's the time to be impressed by the artists who united especially due to their great love for art. The names of the artists: Silva Zalmanson, Dr. Yoav Netta, Rufina Novkov, Judith Shitrit, Pascal Perek, Rachel Eshet, Uri Batzon, Moses Benson, Zvia Sals, and Dalia Haddad. The exhibition will run all August and the Artworks in the exhibition are for sale. I wish you great enjoyment. Lori Pszenica, Art Curator location - רחוב ניסים אלוני 6, תל אביב Time - 28/07/2013 to - 27/08/2013 Link - https://www.facebook.com/loriomanut |